Surrogate gestational carriers

All rights and obligations of the surrogate parents are established in a contract signed between the intended parents and the surrogate.

Surrogates in a surrogacy process are women who altruistically carry a pregnancy to term with the purpose of helping couples or individuals who face difficulties in conceiving. Their generosity and support play a key role in helping others achieve their dream of starting a family.


Requirements of the surrogate mother

In Colombia, the requirements to be a surrogate mother are established in the sentence T-968 of 2009 issued by the Constitutional Court. In general, surrogate mothers must meet certain medical requirements, they must be in good health, and they must also undergo psychological and social studies to ensure a good development of the pregnancy.

It is also required that the pregnant woman is within a certain age range (to be established) and that she has already had at least one child.


Rights of surrogate mothers

All rights and obligations of the surrogate parents are established in a contract signed between the intended parents and the surrogate.

Clarity in subrogation contracts

All contracts and documents signed by the pregnant women must be in their own language or with the necessary translation and explanation for the understanding of the same, this will guarantee that there will be no deception or lack of clarity with respect to the documents they sign.

Be treated with respect

The treatment that the pregnant women receive is worthy of the beautiful work they are doing, they will be treated with respect and dignity, for us it is very important that they feel comfortable and confident.

Medical care

Pregnant women must receive the necessary medical attention to guarantee their good health and a good development of the pregnancy; this attention will be given during labor and postpartum.

Financial support

The surrogate mothers carry out the process altruistically, that is, they do not receive any remuneration or payment for carrying out the process, therefore, they will be given an economic support which will cover all medical expenses, transportation, medicines, supplements and others that help to a good development of the pregnancy.


Obligations of surrogates

Sign all legal documents and contracts

The pregnant women must sign all documents necessary to initiate, process and complete the legal process, these signatures must be authenticated and notarized.

Attend medical check-ups

Pregnant women must perform and comply with the medical controls and examinations ordered by the treating physician during and after pregnancy.

Lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.

Pregnant women should lead a healthy lifestyle to ensure the proper development of the pregnancy.

Deliver the child at birth

Once the pregnancy has been achieved, the pregnant woman cannot retract the delivery of the child.



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