
What is it?

Surrogacy, also known as gestational surrogacy, is a process in which a woman (the surrogate) carries a pregnancy and gives birth to a biological child of another person or couple (the intended parents) without the baby possessing genetic material from the intended parents. In this process, assisted human reproduction techniques are used to implant the embryo in the surrogate, who agrees to carry the pregnancy to term and deliver the baby to the intended parents after birth.

Legality of surrogacy

The legality of surrogacy varies considerably around the world. Some countries permit and regulate the practice, while others prohibit it or have significant restrictions.

In countries where surrogacy is permitted, it is possible to find limitations related to age, nationality, specific requirements for eligible family models, the submission of mandatory medical reports by the intended parents, as well as restrictions on the compensation the surrogate mother can receive, all within the established regulatory framework.

Possible risks

It is critical to consider the potential risks associated with surrogacy, especially with regard to medical complications during pregnancy.

In relation to the risk of the pregnant woman's attachment to the baby, we have a specialized psychological team that monitors the entire process to avoid this situation.

However, it is crucial that all parties involved fully understand their roles, expectations, requirements and legal rights before committing themselves by signing a subrogation agreement.

It is essential to know in detail the process, especially the commitment that you must have for the achievement of the new member of your company as well as those that could arise due to possible unforeseen situations.

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