Intentional parents

In Colombia the parameters are very flexible, allowing for a variety in family structure.

Intended parents in a surrogacy process are those who seek to have a child, but face difficulties in conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term. They opt for surrogacy, providing eggs and/or sperm, assuming legal and emotional responsibility for the future child.


Requirements for intentional parents

In Colombia the parameters are very flexible, allowing for a variety in family structure, from single women and men to same-sex couples, heterosexual couples either married or unmarried.


Intentional parental rights

Subrogation contract

Intended parents have the right to establish a surrogacy contract with the surrogate mother that specifies the terms and conditions of the process.

Receive information during the process

Intentional parents have the right to receive on a regular basis all information related to the process.

Register the baby in your name

The intended parents must register the baby, taking into account that the first registration lists the pregnant woman as the baby's mother.


Obligations of Intended Parents

Providing genetic material

Intentional parents must provide their corresponding genetic material according to the indications ordered by the treating physician.

Payment of expenses

The Intended Parents shall bear all medical, psychological and necessary expenses incurred prior to, during and after the pregnancy in connection with the performance of the contract.

Respecting the terms of the contract with the agency and with the pregnant woman.

Parents must respect all the terms established in the contracts they sign during the entire process.

Assuming legal responsibility for the minor

Once the child is born, the intended parents have the obligation to assume legal responsibility for the child, providing all the necessary care for its proper development.

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Altos del Bosque, Cl. 134 #7-83 Office 241, Bogota, Colombia

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